FLARCodeImage:Utility for FLARToolKit
I made a utility class for FLARToolKit.
FLARCodeImage is a child of Sprite.
This class makes FLARCode an image. And, you can use it as a substitute of the marker.
How to use
- Create a instannce of FLARCode and load .pat file.
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[Embed(source = "assets/patt.hiro", mimeType = "application/octet-stream")]private var CodeData:Class; //... var code:FLARCode = new FLARCode(16, 16); var codeFile:ByteArray = new CodeData() as ByteArray; code.loadARPatt(codeFile.readMultiByte(codeFile.length, "shift-jis"));
- Create a instance of FLARCodeImage.
var codeImg:FLARCodeImage = new FLARCodeImage(code, 300, 300);
- Create a instance of MovieMaterial(Papervision3D’s material classs), and create a instance of Plane using it as material.
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var mat:TriangleMaterial = new MovieMaterial(codeImg); mat.doubleSided = true; var plane:Plane = new Plane(mat, 300, 300, 4, 4); this._modelView = new PV3DPanel(this.stage.stageWidth, this.stage.stageHeight, plane);
- Use its image as a input for FLARToolKit instead of WebCamera.
I’m trying to calculate 3D position of a mouse click position by detected marker’s plane. Is there any easy way to find 3D postion on the marker’s plane? I’ve tried to intersect 2D position with marker’s plane. I can get the ray vector fo the mouse click position by flarCamera3D’s unproject method. I also can get the marker’s 3D position. But I need to find the normal vector of the marker’s plane. So I can build a plane3D with setNormalAndPoint method. Then I can intersect the ray with this plane and the result will be the 3D position of the 2D mouse position. My codes are here:
var ray:Number3D = flarCamera3D.unproject(mouse.x,mouse.y);
var p:Plane3D = new Plane3D();
var normal: Number3D = I DONT KNOW HOW TO FIND??
p.setNormalAndPoint(normal, markerPosition);
var intersect:Number3D = p.getIntersectionLineNumbers(flarCamera3D.position, ray);
I will appreciated if you can help, I didn’t any solutions for days.
Hi, oruchreis.
Sorry. I could not find a solution for you.
Thank you.